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Hiking Heroes South Korea
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1월 9일2분 분량
By: Sooa Hong Image from: In today’s world, plastic has become an...
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2024년 11월 21일2분 분량
Take Your Pills
By: Erin Kim From pills, vaccinations, shots, gloves, masks, and gowns, to tissues and organs, medical and laboratory technology has...
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2024년 10월 26일3분 분량
Global Warming and Tourism
By: Lauren Suh Global warming, a significant byproduct of climate change, is one of the most pressing issues facing the world today. As...
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2024년 9월 29일4분 분량
Trash Pushed Into the Ocean
By Hohyeon Lee “Technologies for living together without turning cities into garbage dumps have been constantly discovered” -Aldous...
조회수 9회댓글 0개
2024년 8월 27일3분 분량
Music. How Is It Impacting Our Environment?
By: Joonwoo Jeong IFPI claims in 2023 that people listen to music for an average of 20.7 hours a week. This is a 0.6-hour increase since...
조회수 12회댓글 0개
2024년 7월 30일3분 분량
Climate Change and Bugs
By: Elena Jo About 3 weeks ago, I was helping my mom cook. I opened the bag to wash the perilla leaves I had bought in advance to use as...
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2024년 7월 5일2분 분량
[녹색소비 1부] 패스트 패션을 알아보자
편집장 진윤제 자라, H&M, 유니클로에서 SPAO까지. 이 의류 브랜드들은 모두 상당한 색감, 종류, 가격대를 자랑하는 카탈로그와! 웬만한 대기업도 넘볼 수 있는 어마어마한 자본력을 가진 기업들이죠. 동시에, 제공하는 옷들의 다양성, 간의성,...
조회수 9회댓글 0개
2024년 6월 27일5분 분량
The Environmental Impact of AI
By: Seoyoon Jin ChatGPT. Rank Comfort, Accessed 26 June 2024. In recent months, AI has...
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2024년 5월 28일2분 분량
The Dangers of Fast Fashion Pt.1: What is it?
Yoonje Jin ZARA, H&M, Uniqlo and SPAO. Over the last two decades, these clothing brands have boasted a customer-friendly catalog— one...
조회수 3회댓글 0개
2024년 4월 26일3분 분량
Fukushima Wastewater Release - Are We Safe?
By: Sooa Hong Photograph: Issei Kato/Reuters On 24 August 2023, Japan released the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant's first phase of...
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2024년 3월 27일3분 분량
Women of Mother Nature
By: Erin Kim Throughout history, numerous environmentalists and activists have worked vigorously to ensure the safety and conservation of...
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2024년 2월 27일2분 분량
The Green Screen
By: Lauren Suh In recent years, there has been a notable shift in the film industry towards incorporating environmental issues into movie...
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2024년 1월 26일2분 분량
Guardians of the Flow
By: Jackson Park It's easy to get caught up in the hustle of daily life, often overlooking the environmental challenges that silently...
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2024년 1월 7일1분 분량
Spreading the Love
Shoutout to the GSIS Hiking Heroes for successfully selling environmentally friendly products during the Christmas Bazaar event at...
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2023년 12월 27일2분 분량
Biodiversity is linked to our daily lifestyles
By: Joonwoo Jeong Biodiversity is the diverse range of organisms, and our daily lifestyles are deeply connected to this range of...
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2023년 12월 21일1분 분량
Shoutout to our Awardees!
Shoutout to the 4 members of Hiking Heroes South Korea who participated in the 2023 ENCYNET Youth Forum, successfully concluding the...
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2023년 11월 25일4분 분량
Environmental Issues Caused By War
By: Elena Jo One book made me think. I’ve read Gerhard Staguhn's book "Warum die Menschen keinen Frieden halten: Eine Geschichte des...
조회수 33회댓글 0개
2023년 10월 23일4분 분량
Environmental Veganism
By: Seoyoon Jin As the environment worsens, we, as the current generation, are entrusted to save it. Most people take responsibility...
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2023년 10월 8일1분 분량
Heroes Everywhere
Our South Korea Heroes did a great job serving the environment in the past week. The members split up into three groups and travelled to...
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2023년 9월 30일2분 분량
보이지 않는 생태계 암살자: 위험한 생태 농축
한 기자가 낙동강 물 속으로 손을 담가 이리저리 휘젓습니다. 손을 빼 남은 것은 걸쭉한 녹색 점액, ‘녹조’ 입니다. 녹조는 매우 작은 미세조류, 특히 남세균 조류가 과도하게 성장하여 물의 표면에 축적 되면서 발생됩니다. 높은 온도와 햇볕,...
조회수 11회댓글 0개
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